
Undergraduate students from any College who wish to conduct research with a faculty member in the College of Medicine are eligible to compete for this award.


  • Applicants must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better
  • Applicants must have at least one more year of undergraduate studies remaining.
  • Applicants much choose a College of Medicine USP research mentor
  • Applicants must submit a mentor/mentee contract at the beginning of the Summer 2025 semester
  • Applicants must register for 1-3 credit hours of BMS4905 for the Summer 2025, Fall 2025, and Spring 2026 semesters
  • Applicants must present and submit your research for publication; opportunities for this include participation in the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium and publication in the Journal of Undergraduate Research. 

Nomination Packets must include the following items:

  • Completed University Scholars Program application form including the summary of the proposed research project and the supporting letter from the faculty mentor
  • An unofficial electronic copy of the student’s undergraduate transcript, including cumulative GPA.



The deadline for receipt of completed packets is no later than 11:59 pm on Feb 10, 2025. Nomination packets that are incomplete or received after the deadline, will not be considered. GPA.

Expectations and Requirements

For the 2025-2026 competition, the students must begin their research at the start of the Summer 2025 semester and students are expected to continue their research through the Fall 2025 and Spring 2026.

Presentation and Publication of Research Projects

All 2025-2025 scholars will submit a final research paper for publication in the Journal of Undergraduate Research AND present their work at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Spring of 2026.


More information may be obtained from Dr. Abdel Alli.